Is your rabbit a snuffler?


Is your rabbit a snuffler?

Poor ventilation can lead to respiratory disease in rabbits. Avoid keeping your pet in a dirty or damp garden shed. Avoid strong smells and dusty hay. Keep your pet’s hutch clean. If your rabbit is having trouble breathing, or has runny eyes or noses, consult the vet. A runny nose and eyes can also be caused by dental problems.

More information on surgery and rabbits.

Get your rabbit moving

To keep their bones strong, rabbits require daily exercise, preferably outside. Protect them from predators like cats.

Do not stress your rabbit

Your rabbit’s health can be affected by chronic stress. Keep predators away from your rabbits and be aware of any bullying behavior by other pets, including rabbits. Provide hiding places.

Rabbit weight

Do you notice a bloated tummy in your pet? Do you notice a large amount of weight loss in your pet? You may feel a loss of weight in your pet, and this could indicate a dental problem. It’s a good idea for your bunny to be weighed every month.

Cut your rabbit’s nails

You can trim nails that are curving or long, but not the pink part (called the quick). It will hurt and bleed if this is done. Ask your vet for instructions. You should ensure that your rabbit gets enough exercise.

Rabbit ears and coat

You should inspect the hair for signs of scurf, dandruff or itchy sores. Also, check the ears for any crusty wax. Although fleas aren’t a problem for rabbits, they can infect dogs and cats with them. If you have other pets, make sure to get the appropriate product from your vet. Ringworm is another possible problem. This is a fungal infection that can be transmitted to the pet. Mite infestations can also occur. Some mites can cause severe irritation by living in the ears. All cases require prompt veterinary attention.

Toilet problems in rabbits

Every day, check your rabbit’s faeces. Consult your veterinarian if there are any changes in the colour, consistency, or amount of the faeces. Rabbit urine can vary in colour depending on its diet. It can also be cloudy. Your vet can check for blood if your rabbit’s urine suddenly turns red. Your vet can diagnose problems if your rabbit’s fur becomes wet from urine.

How can I care for my sick rabbit?

Your pet should be kept in a well-ventilated, warm area. Use soft bedding to cover the eyes and nose. You can check the rear end for soiling from faeces and urine.

High-fiber liquid foods can be purchased from your vet. You can then give them a syringe to administer the food. But, it is important that you don’t choke your pet. Ask your vet for instructions. You can also soften the pellets in warm water, and then make them liquid. Avoid high-sugar baby foods. If your pet refuses to eat anything, contact the vet immediately.

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