Ten Biggest Cats in the World


Cats are the most domesticated animal in the world. They used to live in someone’s home, but they cannot be domesticated. Cats are scientifically called felines. It is believed that cats were domesticated in Ancient Egypt 4,000 years ago. There are many types of cats, including the American Bobtail and Shorthair and Wirehair and Bengal and Burmese and Persian and Oriental Sphynx and Siberian. Based on wild cats’ reported weights, we will discuss the largest cats in the world.

1.Tiger (Weight Range 90-300 (kg) And Maximum length 4.17 (m))

Based on its weight and length, Tiger is the largest cat in the world. It was able to survive in both Asian and Russian climates. Five subspecies of tigers are currently known to exist in the wild. All of them are endangered by poaching or loss of habitat. The Siberian Tiger is the largest subspecies and can grow to 11 feet in length. It can also weigh upto 660 pounds. The distinctive stripes of tigers are what make them so popular. There are more than 100 stripes that can be used to identify them. They are usually solitary and only come together during mating season. In captivity, the average lifespan of these species is around 20 years.


2.Lion (Weight Range 160 -270 (kg) and Maximum length 3.64 (m).

Lions are the largest cat in the world, and they’re most often found in Africa’s southern and eastern regions. Social cats are often seen in prides, which consist of one or two males and many females. They are carnivores that eat wildebeest, antelopes and zebras. They can also be seen as scavengers, attacking hyenas to steal their prey. Manes can be used to identify lions. They are darker and larger, which indicates that the lion’s strength and ability to fight off other lions. Like tigers, the tail of Lion helps to balance lions when they run. However, it can also serve as communication tool. While species live for 15 years in nature, they can survive for 25-30 years in captivity.

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3.Jaguar (Weight Range 56-120 (kg) And Maximum length 2.6(m))

Based on their weight and length, the Jaguar is the third largest cat in the world. It can be found in North, Central, and South America. They love to live in forests, swamps and grasslands. Hunting (fur) is a major threat to the species and they even kill livestock from nearby farms. They have a tan or orange fur with black spots. The rosettes are a result of their rose-shaped appearance. Rare jaguars can be completely black, known as melanistic. Only from close range, spots can be seen. The species’ name derives from the word “jaguar”, which means “he who kills with one leap”.

4.Cougar (Weight Range 53 to 100 (kg) and Maximum length 2.8 (m)

Based on their weight and length, the fourth-largest cat in the world is the cougar. They are also known by the names mountain lions and pumas, which are native to Washington. They are carnivores and are often found in packs. It has a three-foot (1 m) tail and a grey or reddish-tan color body. The chest is white and the ears, face and tip of the tail have black markings. Although they used to hunt deer, they now eat small mammals, birds, small mammals and foxes as well as grass. Cougars live between 10 and 20 years in the wild, and more than 20 years in captivity.


5.Leopard (Weight Range 17 to 90 (kg) and Maximum length 2.75 (m)


Leopard is a big cat that is native to Africa and Asia. They can survive in a variety of habitats, including rainforests, swamps, woodlands, and swamps. It has a light yellow to golden coat with rose-shaped black markings known as rosettes. The belly, limbs, and face are all covered in solid black spots. Their excellent sense of hearing and eyesight make them one of the most powerful predators in the world. In captivity, the avarage life span is between 12 and 15 years.

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6.Cheetah (Weight Range 20-60(kg) And Maximum length 2.1(m))

Cheetah, the fastest animal on Earth, used to prefer semi-arid areas and grasslands in the wild. It has an orange fur with black spots and two lines known as “black tears”, which run from their eyes. It can reach speeds of 70 miles an hour, which is twice as fast as the racing horse. The Cheetah tail helps him to balance and allows for quick and unexpected turns. Cheetah produces a variety of sounds, including growl, hissing, snarl and moan. They also use facial expressions to express their emotions. The best animal is the one that prefers to mate in the dry season. This 3 month period lasts and ends at the start of the wet season. It is also regarded as one of the most beautiful animal patterns in the entire world.

7.Snow leopard (Weight range 22-55kg and Maximum length 2.5m)

You can see the snow leopard in small areas of South and Central Asia. It is found at altitudes between 9800 and 17000 feet, where it thrives. Uncontrolled hunting has made the species’ population vulnerable. The snow leopard has a large body, a strong hind leg and a long tail. Their thick, soft fur is yellowish- or grey-coloured and has black dots. These black dots are arranged in rosettes around brown spot. This species is active at dawn and dusk, and preys on wild goats, sheep, and occasionally on rodents, hares, and birds. While the lifespan of snow leopards in the wild is unknown, it was 21 years in captivity.

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8.Eurasian lynx (Weight Range 15-45(kg) And Maximum length 1.5(m))

The Eurasian lynx, which is both large and heavy, is the largest cat in the world. The Eurasian lynx is larger than American species and can grow to 32-40 inches in length. It can be found in the Himalayas, Northern, Central, Eastern, and Eastern Europe. Habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, poaching, and depletion or prey are all threats to the animal species.


9.Sunda clouded leopard (Weight Range 12 to 26 kg and Maximum Length 1.3m)

The Sunda clouded leopard, scientifically called Neofelis diardi, is one of the largest cats that live in Borneo and Sumatra. It is also called the Indonesian clouded Leopard, Sundaland clouded Leopard or Enkuli Clouded Leopard or Diard’s clouded cat. It has a greyish-yellow to grey color with small cloud-like patterns on its shoulders and a double middleline at the back.

10.Clouded leopard (Weight range 12-26(kg) and Maximum length 1.3(m).

Clouded leopards prefer to be on the ground than in trees. Their short legs and broad paws make them ideal for climbing trees. They have the longest canine tooth length of any feline. The clouded leopard can climb trees even while upside-down and under branches, even if they are descending tree trunks head first. The species’ jaws and teeth are very similar to those of extinct sabre-toothed cat species. It is a great swimmer and can be difficult to spot in nature. It is hunted primarily for its beautiful fur, teeth and bones.